11th Annual Bald and Fat Classic
A fast paced, high energy, non-stop wrestling tournament for real men who’ve passed their prime and have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. Proceeds benefit the Patriot Wrestling Club.
WHEN: Saturday, October 1st, 2022
Dirty South Event – Georgia
Tournament site: Paulding County High School 1297 Villa Rica Hwy., Dallas, GA 30157
Starting Time: 10:00 am.
Weigh Ins:
Friday night 09/30/2022 6pm – 7:30 pm(Off-Site @ Sines & Spines Chiropractic)
2456 Macland Road, Dallas, GA 30157
Saturday morning 10/01/2022 7:30 – 8am (At the school – No weigh-ins after 8am)
Awards: 1st -4th place in each bracket
Rules: All wrestlers must be a minimum of 19 years old and not currently competing in the Olympics or on an Olympic team. Must have birth certificate available for challenges! There is no weight allowance and singlets are preferred but not mandatory. No T-shirts and basketball shorts allowed, you must wear wrestling shoes and have tight fitting apparel, similar to Under Armor if you are not wearing a singlet! This is simply a fun tournament for grown men to have a good time and raise money for a good cause…the sport of wrestling!
This is a Double Elimination Tournament!! Guaranteed 2 matches, even if you’re awful!!
Joan of Arc, Past My Prime, Dead & Fully Decomposed Divisions
Bout time 1 -1 -1 — PIAA overtime rules
Tommy Toughnuts Bout times 2 – 2 – 2 — PIAA overtime rules
Weight Classes 140, 150, 160, 170, 185, 200, 220, 250, HWT
Weight classes can be combined.
Matches will be officiated by experienced wrestlers and coaches, there will be no challenging the officials’ calls! Good sportsmanship is one of our goals.
*AGAIN THIS YEAR* We will have team awards for the 1st and 2nd place teams IF the minimum number of wrestlers is reached. Wrestlers can form teams with the following rules: maximum 9 wrestlers per team, one wrestler per bracket, all wrestlers must have either wrestled at the school they are representing, or must coach at the school, or must have conceived a wrestler currently wrestling for that school. Varsity sweaters, class rings, yearbooks, report cards, etc. can be used as proof if your team is challenged. NO ALL-STAR TEAMS! Winner will be decided by Team with the most amount of team points. You must register with your team when you register, ALL TEAM ROSTERS must be submitted by team captain by 9/30/22 at 12 noon.
We have 5 Divisions this year, Past my Prime 25 – 35 years, Dead 36 – 45 years, Fully Decomposed 46 – 80 yrs., Tommy Toughnuts 19 – ??(open) and AGAIN this year our ladies division Joan of Arc! See our website at baldandfatclassic.com for all details, rules and regulations, format and pics from previous years!
REGISTRATION IS ONLINE ONLY…VISIT baldandfatclassic.com and click on the TOURNAMENTS TAB and find your event details…click the REGISTER NOW link to register!
Entry Fee: Online $35.00 registration fee must be received by 5 pm on September 30th, 2022.
Pre-registered, PAID wrestlers may weigh in Friday night or Saturday morning, your choice!!
*Checks payable to B&FC – Walk-ins can pay $40 Cash Only at door Fri night & Sat Morning 7:30-8am
Admission: Adult $8. Student $4. Coaches must pay too, give me a break.
Contact Joe Musti w/ questions
Joemusti@gmail.com 717-817-3522 cell OR CHECK OUT baldandfatclassic.com